Apply for Summer traditional study abroad by February 1st, and for Fall Study Abroad by March 1st!

My routine during weekdays is very repetitive, it has been like this for the past two months and very probably will not change until I leave. My first class every day starts at 8:30am and since my dorm is very far from the university–not within walking distance–I need to take the 8:00am shuttle. There is a shuttle that also leaves at 8:15am but I prefer to get to classes with some time in advance to get a coffee and organize myself before the class starts. On Mondays and Wednesdays my first class ends at 9:20am so just after they end I have a light breakfast at one of the university’s dining halls and then go to the other morning classes. On Tuesdays and Thursdays since I basically have classes the entire morning I just eat some cereal in the dorm before leaving. Fortunately before starting the semester I was able to organize my schedule so that I would not have any classes on Friday.


Classes can be for 1, 2 or 3 hours long and they are interestingly quiet. The professor is the only one that talks and in a very few classes he gets interrupted by a student asking a question. All classes have what they call here ‘tutorials’ that basically is a Q&A with the professor of the class. So if any student has a question during the class he or she is encouraged to write it down and ask it to the professor during the tutorial. I have lunch every day at the university after my morning classes are over and only on Tuesdays I have classes on the afternoon. After having lunch I go every day to the library–except Tuesdays that I go to my other class–and do all the readings required for the next day classes. If there is nothing to do, I read a book or the news to make some time, but I always stay at the library for at least 3 hours a day and it is actually hard to have a day that does not require doing any readings for any of the four classes.


Once is 6pm I go to the university’s gym and do some exercise until 7pm. At 7pm I have dinner at the university and after diner, which I tend to finish around 7:45pm I go to the dorm in a public bus. At the dorm depending on the day I sometimes stay at my room talking to people from back home or doing anything non-school related, or I just go to the common area of the dorm where there is a PS4 and a TV to relax for a while. It seems like there is a lot of free time but there actually is not. The school requires a lot of readings to do for every class and they take a lot of time. Also I had to go through the process of finding a Co-op from abroad, which required at least 30 minutes a day and on interviews days even more. Fortunately I got a Co-op already so I do not have that pressure any more.

On Fridays since I do not have classes I sleep until late–usually 10am–and go to the university around 11am to a coffee place–Starbucks most of the times–to get a coffee, have brunch and do some school or non-school related activities. For example last Friday since I got my next Co-op in New York, I spent around 2 hours doing some research to find my new apartment. Once I get all done at the coffee place I have lunch at the university and then I just enjoy my weekend until Sunday night that the routine starts over again.
