Apply for Fall Study Abroad by March 1st!

Student Reflections

Almost in Berlin!

Molly O'Neill
June 23, 2015

I’ve poured over the library’s travel books, watched endless youtube videos from Berlin, and have thought endlessly about what I really do and don’t need to pack. The countdown is on. It is about a week before I get to take off from Boston Logan International Airport and embark on the most amazing and immense opportunity. I am so grateful because I get to live and study in Germany for a whole month (a WHOLE month!) with a group of other Northeastern students and two of my favorite professors. I have always been so excited about meeting new people and seeing what life is like in different places, so studying abroad has been at the top of my to do list for awhile. I hope to co-op abroad soon and I have never been overseas for more than a week so I want to try out living on another continent before I take the plunge. I am ready to plant some roots, make friends, and eat some seriously German food.

With all of the excitement of something new comes that big wave of nervousness as well. None of my good friends are going on the trip with me, so I definitely feel those freshman orientation nerves creeping back in. I also do not know the language and who knows how I will figure out how to get around the sprawling city of Berlin. But the excitement definitely overpowers my doubts and fears because I am ready for the adventure. I am pumped to make friends with the other people on the trip and the other students in the area. I want to explore Berlin deeper than a tourist or traveller would and really become a resident of the city. From all I read and heard, Berlin is a very progressive and young city so getting to explore it through photography and culture classes is definitely the experience of a lifetime. The city is bursting with history so I am excited to learn about its past a little more so I can appreciate why the city flows the way it does today.

So ten more days until takeoff? Ten more days.

-A Broad (almost) Abroad