One of the biggest changes that I’ve experienced since I’ve come to LSE is the academics. They are different in every sense – teaching, content and assessment. It’s better in some ways such as the depth that you go into but worse in the prolonging of one subject. Nonetheless, one class that I’m so glad I’m taking here is Game Theory.
I have seen the course description for this course in different universities in the US and the content covered in either of them doesn’t even come close to LSE. My professors are celebrities in the field of game theory in some way and I consider myself so fortunate to be able to attend their classes. Game Theory is a field within mathematical economics. It is very recent but is becoming increasingly relevant as time passes by. In fact, I am enjoying the class so much that I am considering pursuing a master’s degree in this field. The basic theory of this subject is very technical, however it gets more and more interesting as you delve into the applications. There is no way I would have known this and gotten this kind of exposure to the applications had I not come to LSE and taken this class.
Another factor that I love about studying here is the access to cafes that you have in this city. My aim for this year was to go to two new cafes in London every week. London is extremely cosmopolitan and quirky and so every café has a unique component to it. I am proud to say that I have stuck to this aim for almost every week. Despite having done this for well over four months now I still haven’t run out of cafes to visit within a one-mile radius of where I live! This really gives me a feel of just how ample London is and no amount of time spent here and no amount of places visited in this city would ever be enough.
Personally, I believe cafes are one of the best ways to get to know the people in a city. Almost every café that I’ve been to, I’ve encountered someone interesting or some interesting stories. I am convinced that you will never meet anyone who’s unfriendly in cafes, especially in this city that is so bustling. I have truly begun to feel at home at every new café that I visit every week.
London has a lot of innovation, and this reflects in the coffee shops that you go to. There’s all kind of creativity that you will see and I assure you, there will always be some element in a café that you go to that will make you smile. One of my favorite is the cereal killer café, which serves only cereal, and holds almost every single cereal in the café. Then there’s Rapha Cycle Club, which is both, a cycling shop and café under one roof. I live two minutes away from what is considered the best coffee in London called Monmouth Coffee Company, and I would not be surprised if it truly is the best in the city. However, my absolute favorite café is Prufrock. It has wonderful coffee, amazing ambience, good wifi and just great vibes overall. I might be biased because I have encountered some of the most interesting people here, including a filmmaker making a movie about my favorite tennis player. If you are in London and like going to cafes, some that I’d definitely recommend are: Timberyard, Department of Coffee and Social Affairs, Look Mum no Hands and Holborn Grind, in addition to the ones mentioned abouve!