Apply for Summer traditional study abroad by February 1st, and for Fall Study Abroad by March 1st!

Class at the University of Navarra is about a 25-minute walk from our residence. The weather here is fair in the morning, but sometimes gets a little too hot after class (which is where our bus passes come in handy). Our professor from the University helped us all sign up for bus passes that only cost 24 Euros for the month to use an unlimited amount of times, which is a lot less than the $75 a month it is to use the T! The bus cuts down the morning commute to about 10 minutes, not to mention we can use it all over the city to get to places that are a little to far to walk to. Our bus passes also have our pictures on them, so they act as an official Pamplona ID (if we ever need one).

El autobus

Tarjeta Ciudadana

Our experience with the public busing system here hasn’t been too extensive since we mainly use it to get to and from the university. Also, it is sometimes a little hard to navigate the website/app since it is in Spanish and we don’t know the names of all the bus stops. We’ve learned that there are about 15 different bus lines, which makes things a bit complicated. Despite this, my roommate and I were able to use the bus system to go to a restaurant today (where I located my lost wallet!!) and back to the main plaza and shopping area. No doubt we were definitely proud of ourselves and are getting used to the numerous stops. I expect that we will start to use the buses more frequently once we get more comfortable with what lines go where and as we want to experience more and more of Pamplona.