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Student Reflections

End of Week 3: Language

Naneka Bakare
June 26, 2015

Without doubt, I haven’t had the hardest time when it comes to language, as I am studying abroad in London where most people speak English. I have had slight miscommunications although, such as when someone offers me a biscuit and I forget that it is a cookie or when I am looking for the Exit in the train station but all the signs say “Way Out”. The most ridiculous moment where I forgot to stop thinking in American English was when I visited a local restaurant and I was reading the menu. I kept questioning why they offered chips as a side with chicken, then my friend quickly reminded me the menu was referring to French fries. This slight difference, to this day, gets me every time I go to this restaurant. Also, I have really enjoyed picking up the new phrase “Cheers” when I am finding a decent substitute to saying goodbye or thank you.