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Student Reflections

First Impressions of Prague

Sarah Tyrrell
July 11, 2017

After a seven hour flight, a three hour lay over, and another one hour flight, we finally landed in Prague at 4am EST, 10am Prague time. We were advised to stay awake the whole day in order to get over the jet lag but by mid afternoon we had all fallen asleep at one point or another. After checking into our hotel, we went off on our own for lunch and then had to meet back at the hotel for a walking tour. My initial impression of the city is that it is very English friendly, especially the airport. So far, after only one day, I have not had any difficulties trying to communicate with anyone here.

During our tour, as tired as we were, we were able to visit Prague castle which is actually more of a huge compound. It’s considered to be the largest closed complex castle in the world. We also walked down the Charles bridge, famous for its multiple statues and for being the largest stone bridge in Prague.

Our hotel is situated very close to the Old Town where there are numerous restaurants and shops to explore. The cobblestone streets and the red rooftops really make any street you walk down look like it came from a travel magazine. The city is filled with squares where people gather to hear music, shop at the market, buy food, or just relax and take in the atmosphere. I get the impression that Prague is a very laid-back city.

It’s hard to believe it’s only been one day in Prague when it feels like we’ve been here for a week. It’s even harder to believe that this is just the start of the Dialogue. Having the chance to explore Prague and learn about its abundant history makes me even more excited for what awaits us when we get to Poland.

The view of Prague from on top of Prague Castle