Final Dialogue of Civilization Application deadline is 1/15!

Student Reflections

From the Greenline to the Greenway

Camaryn McKenzie
July 12, 2017

Public transportation in Ireland is nothing like it is in Boston.

Thankfully, our Northeastern group has a designated driver that transports us from our condos to the studios at the Burren College of Art every week day morning at 9am and every afternoon at 5pm. Other than that, transportation consists of a lot of walking.

My first time taking actual public transportation in Ireland was actually just yesterday. My friend Allie and I decided to be adventurous and travel to a small village in County Clare, called Fanore. Our first day off from classes was Sunday, so we got out of Ballyvaughan and went surfing at the beach!

Connecting Ballyvaughan to Fanore is the country’s oldest and longest path called the Greenway. It’s absolutely beautiful, consisting of miles of roaming cattle and distance hills and mountains. The roads and streets here are a lot less busy and noisy than those of Boston. I don’t think I’ve heard a car horn since I’ve been here, not to mention the Greenline at 5 o’clock in the morning.

Ireland Dialogue: Countryside