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Student Reflections

Icelandic food: Have you tried the shark meat?

Rebecca Sorrell
June 15, 2015

As someone who doesn’t love fish, I was definitely worried about finding something to eat in Iceland. Fortunately I have been pleasantly surprised by the variety of food! Every grocery store and gas station has a variety of Oreos, so I have been a happy camper.

We haven’t come across too many restaurants while in Iceland due to the fact that our group has been traveling in the more rural areas of the country. During the first week, we picked up food from small cafes or the N1, an Icelandic gas station chain. A popular and unique snack to Iceland is called Skyr, which is a cultured dairy product that is similar to strained yogurt. Most of our group has bought large quantities of it to keep in our studio. We also made a trip to a large supermarket called BONUS to stock up on food for our three weeks in Skagaströnd. There is only one restaurant in the town we live in, so naturally we are loyal costumers. The restaurant serves things like whale meat and rotten shark, but I haven’t had the guts to partake in either quite yet.

Meal times in Iceland are about the same as they are in United States, with slightly smaller portions.  We do cook for ourselves most days, so I have been eating meals that I usually eat in the U.S. We even found pancake mix! When I have eaten sit down meals, I was highly impressed by Iceland’s lamb – definitely the best I have ever had. Overall the food here has impressed me, but I know as soon as I get back to Boston I will be finding myself the one food I wish there was more of in Iceland: Chicken.