Apply for Fall Study Abroad by March 1st!

Student Reflections

Julie Nagler – Argentina&Uruguay – 5 Tips for a Successful Study Abroad Experience

Julie Nagler
August 7, 2017

5 Tips for a Successful Study Abroad Experience

1. Do your research. This accomplishes two things: First, it is obviously critical to be prepared for logistical reasons. You need to know what kind of weather it will be so that you’re not packing flip flops if it’s going to be winter. Secondly, though, it helps to excite you about the trip. Look up articles that are titled things like “Most interesting things about _” or “Top things to do in _” and it will help ease your nerves and boost your hype about your upcoming adventure.
Make a plan to stay in touch with friends and family. Homesickness is a very real issue, so it helps to set some sort of plan for staying in contact. If you don’t have wifi or data most of the time, try to set up a weekly or biweekly designated call time with friends. Even if it ends up changing based on your schedule, knowing in your mind that you have a routine will help give you peace of mind and they will love hearing about all of your wild adventures.
2. School comes first. It is critical to go into study abroad with the right mindset and realize that you have in fact committed to study abroad. It can be really easy to get distracted and ease into the “vacation” mode, but you have to remember that you technically signed up for classes and have the same responsibilities as you would on campus.
3. Be open-minded. Be comfortable with being uncomfortable. You will inevitably do things outside of your comfort zone at some points in your journey but know that nine times out of ten you will love these experiences and will experience momentous personal growth every time you challenge yourself.
4. Connect with your fellow students. Making friends is one of the best parts of anyone’s study abroad experience. I’ve had some of the best conversations of my life on my study abroad and have made potentially lifelong connections. Take initiative, introduce yourself, find connections with people and make plans to stay in touch after your adventure.
5. Take time to yourself. That being said, it is critical to designate some times in your journey to be on your own. Depending on your situation, you will almost inevitably be surrounded by people all the time which can be exhausting. It can also be hard to pass up doing things that everyone else is doing, but it is critical to take “mental health nights” or “mental health days” to be on your own, reflect on your experience so far and just unwind.