Apply for Summer traditional study abroad by February 1st, and for Fall Study Abroad by March 1st!

My life in London is pretty relaxed. I’ll tell you guys what a normal Thursday is like for me!

7:00- Wake up, shower, get ready for the day. I might make breakfast or pick some up at the nearest Pret.
8:20- Leave my accommodation and take the Tube eastbound to get to Kensington for class
8:50- Arrive to Richmond International University
9:00- 12:00- Comparative Healthcare Systems and Communications for the Health Profession class. Both are an hour and a half.
12:00- 1:00- Lunch time at the local sandwich shop for a samosa, or chicken curry bowl
1:00- 5:00- This time can either be a planned field trip as a part of our curriculum for about 2 hours or just free time to sightsee and do whatever you choose. OR, a nap back at home
6:00-8:00- Return to my accommodation and finish up some assignments
8:00- Go down the street to the local pub for 5 pound burger nights and a cold glass of cider.
9:30- Return to my accommodation and either do some more work, or watch netflix
11:00-12:00- Bedtime!

That’s it, my usual routine. Its very repetitive except for a couple minor differences like going out for dinner or cooking in my suite. I’ve become so used to waking up so early, but I’m excited to sleep in when I get home.
London Streets