Final Dialogue of Civilization Application deadline is 1/15!

Student Reflections

LSE – Typical Day

Boris Sheydin
August 3, 2017

My usual weekday starts around 8am (although each week this goes up a bit) when I wake up and go downstairs to get breakfast. Afterwards I go back, shower, get dressed and head out around 9:30am towards campus. It’s a really pleasant 25min walk through lot’s of trees, past cool buildings, and even through a park, but if I am feeling especially lazy than I can always grab the bus which comes every few minutes. My class (similar to recitation) usually goes from 10 to 11:30am after which I’ve got a break for couple hours. Most days I reserve this period for homework and lunch but on less busy days I use it to walk around central London and even go to the British Museum. My lectures start at 2pm and go until 5pm. After those long, but extremely interesting, three hours I head back to my Rosebery dorm. Once I get back usually I’ll do the readings for class and afterwards grab dinner with a few friends. Depending on how tired I am and how much more work I have left after that I’ll either go back and turn in early or go out with friends and explore London!

Buckingham palace