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Student Reflections

Many Shades of Ecuador

Michael Mendez
August 11, 2016

One of the best ways to interact with Ecuadorians is to go into the public space areas and hang out. This area is very different depending on what city you are in. In Quito this area would be the Plaza Grande, which is the center of the city. You can immediately feel the energy from the city from everyone sitting, chatting, running around, and trying to buy things from the local vendors. In these relaxed open areas the locals are often very causal and are open to interacting with the tourists that come to visit.

Fish Market

A Chill Finch

A lot of the economy in Ecuador is based on tourism. There are many people in the streets who are trying to sell their wares to you. This was especially true in Otovalo, where their market is a huge tourist attraction. On Saturdays the market is even more packed than usual with souvenirs and different trinkets to buy and take home. Thankfully the currency in Ecuador is actually American dollars, so purchasing things, and receiving change is easier than traveling to other countries. Upon one of my walks around Otovalo I stumbled upon a leather shop that many handmade crafts that were obviously of high quality. This was a week before our trip to the Galapagos, and we were going to travel light to the islands, so I decided to buy a handmade duffel bag. The bag features classic Native American designs with black, red, orange, and grey patters, and two leather handles. The bag proved to be exactly what I needed for my trip. It’s been difficult with the budget here on the trip. In Quito I can spend $3 on a three course lunch, but in the Galapagos I might have to spend $2 on a standard water bottle. Planning is very necessary so that you don’t underestimate the cost of your trip early on, but still spend money on fun souvenirs to remember your trip.

Tortuga Bay