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Student Reflections

Meditating in Class and Study Spots Around Campus

Claire Celestin
March 27, 2017

When I chose the classes that I wanted to take to study abroad, I purposefully chose ones that were outside of my comfort zone; i.e. non-science classes. One of these classes is Buddhist Philosophy, which I have mentioned in one of my previous blogs. This class is taught by a retired professor with an extensive collection of adventures under his belt: meditator, restaurant owner, world traveler, to name a few. Not only does he practice what he preaches, but he also teaches the class in a nontraditional way, in terms of this day and age. No electronics are allowed in the lecture, and no notes can be taken either electronically or by hand during the lecture. At first this was incredibly difficult for me to handle, but I’ve found that the structure of the lecture allows me to pay more attention and digest what the teacher is saying, which is completely different from how it usually is when I’m frantically trying to type everything that the professor says verbatim. In terms of content, this class has taught me many interesting things about the Buddhist practices including meditation, mindfulness, the effects of karma, and reincarnation. Meditating in class is a common occurrence which allows me to destress, relax, and refresh.

Rereading favorite books on the beach

There are many wonderful places to study comfortably around campus, as well, depending on the type of studying you are into. When I want more structured and controlled studying to get done I will head to either the Media Learning Center (MLC), or the campus library, where there are tables and desks at which I can sit down and plug into. When I want to do more relaxed studying, like reading, I will head to one of the buildings where there are coaches I can read comfortably in. basically, there are study spots to fit your study needs, and these different places are all my favorites depending on the type of study mood I’m in.

Studying essentials in the MLC

When therapy dogs come to campus
