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BBQ in Urbanest

Considering the university being about a 20-minute walk from Urbanest, and the fact that my lunchbreaks are really short, I tend to eat lunch at different restaurants within the university vicinity. There are several restaurants in the neighboring area to the university where many students go. My favorite street is Glebe Street. On Glebe Street, there are many friendly and cozy restaurants, and they each have their individual “touch”. This is perfect break between your long lectures. It is also ideal if you want to grab a cup of coffee or just sit down and relax. The customer base are mainly locals, and a big portion of that are students. Also, there are many restaurants that have special discounts for students, which is of course highly appreciated!

Glebe Street

There is also a food court on campus, very similar to the one in Curry Student Center at Northeastern. However, it is not as fun to go there for lunch, since many of the food chains there are usually found in the U.S. There are not many local food establishments on campus, and that is why you have to go off campus to find them. It is also significantly more expensive to eat on campus, for example at Subway, compared to a couple of blocks away.

NEU Family sign outside a Thai restaurant. Not sure it is affialiated with NEU, still a nice touch

Lunch on Glebe St

Additionally, Darling Harbor is just a quick 5-minute walk from my apartment and is filled with delightful bars and restaurants. Of course, it is a little bit more expensive to enjoy a meal there, but I guess sometimes you have to enjoy yourself. The view is incredible, considering there is the Vivid Lights Festival going on here in Sydney. This means that there are water shows, colorful lights displayed on boats and buildings, live music, and just an incredible atmosphere. However, there is actually one place close to the harbor like no other. The place might not offer quality, high-end food, but it sure is delicious. The place is called Pyrmont Kebabs. This is great if you want to grab a quick dinner and not feeling like paying more than $10. This might not be classified like local food, but it sure is good!

Vivid Lights Festival at Darling Harbor

I would say that my eating schedule here is in regards to my fellow classmates and suitemates. However, considering the majority of them are from the U.S, the schedule is very similar to what I am used to. When I have been dining out, there have not been many differences in regards to portion size nor etiquette. I guess that is because I have been going to restaurants that are more accustomed to university students or young people. When it comes to the most interesting meal so far, it has got to be kangaroo meat. There is a barbeque here in Urbanest, so one day me and my friends decided to grill. When we were at the grocery store to purchase the meat, we came across the most Australian thing yet, kangaroo meat. We knew right there and then that we had to try it. It was definitely a very nice, tender, and tasty piece of meat. I would really like to try it again!