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Student Reflections

Safety Tips for Edinburgh

Audrey Brigham
June 12, 2017

I always carry with me my phone, wallet, passport, and ID holder. As this is my first time traveling internationally, I was very cautious to begin with so luckily I have had all of these essentials with me at all times since the start of the dialogue. In addition, I would have to say another travel tip would be to pack lightly! Although my mom may contest otherwise, I packed pretty light compared to my fellow classmates. This has been beneficial for me (and my shoulders) when lugging my duffel bag around the city traveling to and from hotel to hotel. *Key tip when packing: always shove socks or small shirts into your shoes to save space and prevent the shoes from being squished!*

Edinburgh Castle in front of the moon

In addition, I would have to say the most commonplace safety precaution was to travel in pairs and never go anywhere alone without telling someone. When I have gone for my early morning runs, I always make sure to tell my roommate the night before and where I plan to run. I take my phone with me on my runs but I always make sure someone knows where I’ll be no matter what! One last thing that I’ve come to learn while here in Scotland from the locals is to not walk through the alley shortcuts at night. In particular, at one of the rehabilitation centers we went to a few members lectured us on that in order to provide us with advice when walking the streets of Edinburgh at night. Obviously I normally do not prefer to walk through alleys, but a lot of them are quite fast shortcuts and are tempting to want to venture through for convenience. Overall, I feel as though I have taken most of the safety and travel precautions as I could on this trip. Sometimes, small things like this can be overlooked but I am more than grateful that our professor and all the other students on this trip were very on top of this the entire dialogue.

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