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Student Reflections

This dialogue has no doubt changed my life

Monica Bhatia
August 20, 2015

This dialogue has no doubt changed my life. Going abroad gave me a chance to explore the world, but even more it gave me space to learn about myself. I especially loved this specific dialogue because I was able to research a topic that was personally meaningful to me and learn about myself in the process. I think that because of this dialogue I have become a more grounded person. Seeing how large the world is definitely makes you reconsider how you view your own life and problems. This dialogue also showed me how much I still have to learn.

Excitingly, this dialogue also helped me finally decide my major! I went into the dialogue knowing that I wanted to study gender and sexuality, but because Northeastern doesn’t have a gender studies major I wasn’t sure how to go about doing that. This dialogue taught me that I really love doing sociology research and that I can major in sociology and still take lots of gender classes.

Before going on this dialogue, one of the things I was most nervous about was making friends, because I always feel the need to feel surrounded by people. Instead, I learned from this dialogue that I need to learn how to be better at being alone. The world is big, and although I will always have people who care about me, I can’t be with them every second and my life will be much better if I learn how to enjoy being on my own. I also learned that I can make friends wherever I go and no matter where you are you can find good friends.

Ten out of ten. Would do again.