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A ‘Monster’ Look at one Student’s Global Co-​​op in Iceland’s Music Scene

August 11, 2016

In Jan­uary, North­eastern music industry major Madison Murphy bun­dled up to trek across some of southern Iceland’s most pic­turesque land­scapes, from the Sól­heima­jökull glacier to the famous Blue Lagoon. But this wasn’t a scenic tour of the country; it was part of a dream-come-true co-op in the music industry.

Murphy, AMD’18, joined the Ice­landic band Vök as they filmed the music video for their single, “Waiting.” Ignoring the frigid winds that she recalled at times turned her face bright red, Murphy col­lected a bulk of behind-the-scenes footage of the band and cre­ated a video she used to help pro­mote the single via social media.

The video project only scratched the sur­face of her work on co-op. She spent the first three months of 2016 in Ice­land, dividing her time between working for two bands—Vök and Of Mon­sters and Men—and for Ice­land Music Export, which pro­motes the country’s music scene at home and abroad.

“Most of the time the work I was doing didn’t feel like work,” Murphy said. “It was some­thing I wanted to do. I love these bands, and it was amazing to me that they were let­ting me work for them and be such a big part of what they were doing.”

Murphy man­aged Vök’s social media pres­ence and launched the band’s newsletter. She even joined the band for a few days in Ger­many on their month­long Euro­pean tour, doing more social media, helping with logis­tics around the band’s radio inter­views, and working mer­chan­dise tables.