Final Dialogue of Civilization Application deadline is 1/15!

New Student-​​run Publication Highlights Global Experiences

May 24, 2016

Last summer, Devin Windel­specht par­tic­i­pated in a Dia­logue of Civ­i­liza­tions pro­gram in the Balkans, where he studied the fall of Yugoslavia and the Bosnian War. Upon return, he penned an inci­sive nar­ra­tive of the expe­ri­ence for the first issue of the Global Journal, a new student- run pub­li­ca­tion aimed at shed­ding light on what it’s like to work, study, and live abroad.

Windel­specht con­cluded the 900- word essay by reflecting on the power of the Dia­logue, a month­long expe­ri­ence that cut to the heart of a vio­lent con­flict like no text­book nor class­room lec­ture could ever do. “Dia­logue is more than just trav­eling to another country and seeing another cul­ture,” writes Windel­specht, SSH’18, a third- year inter­na­tional affairs major. “It is allowing one­self the dig­nity to see others as human beings, to hear their sto­ries and look in their eyes and see the pain that lies there still.”

The piece—titled Sara­jevo: The War, The People, The Dia­logue—is emblem­atic of the simul­ta­ne­ously philo­soph­ical and heart­felt writing that has come to char­ac­terize the con­tent of the Global Journal. It was founded in the spring of 2015 by three stu­dents, a trio of well- traveled global cit­i­zens who mar­shaled their pas­sion for inter­na­tional affairs and the power of the global nar­ra­tive to assemble a large team of storytellers.

Pub­lished in Feb­ruary, the inau­gural issue com­prises reflec­tions from more than 20 stu­dents and young alumni. Most of the pieces focus on their co- op, Dia­logue, and expe­ri­ences in coun­tries like India, Cam­bodia, and Costa Rica. Others zero in on campus events, including talks on topics ranging from cli­mate change and peace building to border secu­rity and the U.N. Arms Trade Treaty.