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Students, faculty praise global experience at Dialogue of Civilizations Fair

October 31, 2016

Zach Mega, SSH’21, wants to explore the world.

It’s the pri­mary reason he chose North­eastern. It’s also why he attended the Global Expe­ri­ence Office’s annual Dia­logue of Civ­i­liza­tions Fair on Thursday after­noon in the Curry Stu­dent Center Indoor Quad.

“I want to travel and make new con­nec­tions,” said Mega, a first-​​year pol­i­tics, phi­los­ophy, and eco­nomics major. “I want to see new things and expe­ri­ence new things and meet new people.”

His choices are vir­tu­ally end­less: Next summer, more than 60 fac­ulty mem­bers will be run­ning dia­logue pro­grams in more than 30 coun­tries world­wide, from France and Italy to Poland and Russia. Vir­tu­ally all of them attended Thursday’s fair, where they extolled the virtues of living, working, and studying in an unfa­miliar country.