Final Dialogue of Civilization Application deadline is 1/15!

What Students say They’ve Gained from Studying Abroad

September 16, 2016

Stu­dents who vis­ited the Curry Stu­dent Center Indoor Quad on Thursday found them­selves immersed in a sea of global learning oppor­tu­ni­ties at the Study Abroad Fair.

This semester, 245 stu­dents are doing study abroad in 40 coun­tries. In fact, for the first time North­eastern stu­dents are doing study abroad in Fin­land, Kazak­stan, Lithuania, and Norway.

Here, five stu­dents who vol­un­teered to share their own global expe­ri­ences at the fair explain why those expe­ri­ences were so meaningful—and why other stu­dents should con­sider study abroad.