Students Share Global Co-​​op Experiences

September 25, 2015

The Curry Stu­dent Center Indoor Quad trans­formed into a global co-​​op net­working portal on Tuesday night, when 130 stu­dents con­nected with some three dozen of their peers who con­vened to dis­cuss their recent inter­na­tional co-​​op experiences.

The young global cit­i­zens shared co-​​op sto­ries and advice at the event, which was orga­nized by Northeastern’s Global Expe­ri­ence Office.

Car­o­line Fried, SSH’17, a fourth-​​year stu­dent studying inter­na­tional affairs and his­tory, worked in China  ear­lier this year as a teaching assis­tant at the Dan­de­lion School, which serves hun­dreds of stu­dents from low-​​income migrant families.

FRIED’S ADVICE for her peers con­sid­ering global co-​​op:

“Take every oppor­tu­nity that comes to you. Being immersed in another cul­ture makes you chal­lenge your assump­tions and learn new perspectives.”