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Students in UK Offer Firsthand Account of Historic Brexit Vote

June 23, 2016

Voters in the United Kingdom went to the ballot box Thursday to have their say on whether Britain should remain a member of the Euro­pean Union.

Polls leading up to the vote showed the “leaving” and “remaining” sides in a dead heat, and  North­eastern stu­dents living and working in London say the atmos­phere has been incred­ibly tense—and that uncer­tainty has led to volatility.

“I’m cur­rently in the U.K., where it is get­ting quite hos­tile,” Dana Landman, AMD’18, a British cit­izen, said ear­lier this week. “Everyone has a strong opinion on it, and that has cre­ated quite a sig­nif­i­cant amount of unnec­es­sary conflict.”

Landman pointed to the shooting death of British politi­cian Jo Cox last week as an example of the insta­bility. Cox, who sup­ported staying in the EU, had just fin­ished meeting with con­stituents when she was shot and stabbed by Tommy Mair, who author­i­ties say may have had links to right- wing extremism.

Katie Mul­ligan, who is cur­rently on co- op at Wellington Man­age­ment Inter­na­tional in London, noted that an air of uncer­tainly has lin­gered over the impli­ca­tions of the ref­er­endum results.

“No one really knows what is going to happen and there is con­stant dis­cus­sion in the work­place, at pubs, and on the Tube about the poten­tial impli­ca­tions of a vote either way,” Mul­ligan, DMSB’19, explained on Wednesday. “With so much uncer­tainty, how­ever, many people feel very pas­sion­ately about the vote. It has turned into more of an emo­tional vote rather than a vote based on fact, which has made the atmos­phere pretty tense.”