Welcome to the Streets of Havana

October 21, 2014

A group of North­eastern stu­dents who have par­tic­i­pated in Dia­logue of Civ­i­liza­tions pro­grams in Cuba have brought the streets of Havana to the streets of Boston.

A new mural of stu­dent photos fea­turing people, places, and art around Cuba’s cap­ital city was recently installed on external facing win­dows at West Vil­lage H, trans­porting the cul­ture of Havana to Hunt­ington Avenue.

The North­eastern com­mu­nity cel­e­brated the instal­la­tion, titled “Cuba, Through the Lens,” on Monday at an opening recep­tion that fea­tured Cuban food and music.

I’m hon­ored,” said Brooke Lyman, BSH’15, whose photo of a Cuban girl standing in a court­yard was one of 13 selected for the exhibit. “I didn’t know a lot about pho­tog­raphy before the Dia­logue, so to now have one of my photos on dis­play like this is a very cool feeling.”

The exhi­bi­tion rep­re­sents the first col­lab­o­ra­tion between the Col­lege of Arts, Media, and Design’s pho­tog­raphy pro­gram and Northeastern’s Public Art Ini­tia­tive, which pro­vides stu­dents, fac­ulty, and artists from around the world “can­vases” throughout campus—in highly vis­ible and some­times unex­pected places—to dis­play their works for the entire campus com­mu­nity to expe­ri­ence. The ini­tia­tive kicked off in the spring with a mural by artist.

Lyman, who said pho­tog­raphy is one of her hob­bies, chose to go on this Dia­logue for the oppor­tu­nity to learn about a country that’s so close to the U.S. but still so mys­te­rious to many.

The pro­fes­sors gave us a lot of free range as far as what we should take photos of,” Lyman explained. “The build­ings down there are so col­orful, beau­tiful, and faded.”

The exhibit fea­tured photos taken by stu­dents who par­tic­i­pated in the Dia­logue of Civ­i­liza­tions pro­gram in Cuba in either of the past two sum­mers. The four-​​week pro­gram includes two courses: one is a hands-​​on pho­tog­raphy class and the other focuses on the cul­tural his­tory of Cuba, including visual arts, music, and architecture.