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Student Reflections

A Typical Weekday

Felicia Chen
June 16, 2016

An alarm wakes me up. I check my phone, it’s 7:30 AM so I go back to sleep. Another alarm wakes me up. I check my phone again. It’s only 7:35 AM so it was probably my roommate’s alarm. At this point, I’m used to being constantly woken up in the morning. In the beginning of the trip, it took me awhile to get accustomed to my 4 other roommate’s alarm and morning routine. When I officially wake up at 8, I brush my teeth, get dressed, and go downstairs to buy breakfast from the local convenience store. Then I typically meet up with a couple Northeastern students before heading over to Meiji University. I arrive at 8:45, check the schedule for the classroom number for that day, and then head up the elevator to it. For the next couple hours I’m in lecture and then at 12, LUNCH.
At 1:30 PM we meet outside our hotel to head to our site visit for the day. Everyday we have a different site visit and it usually involves taking a train to get to it. We arrive at the site visit, listen to site visit presentations and then are allowed a few hours to explore. Meiji supporters usually accompany us and bring us around to places they like around the area and we have fun. After we meet up with everyone from Northeastern, we are then free to continue exploring the area or go back to the hotel. At this point, most of us grab dinner around the area be it ramen, sushi, or okonomiyaki. After dinner, depending on how exhausting the next day will be, we might hang out more with the Meiji supporters (grab a snack, go karaoke, etc.). But at the end of the day, we all have to slump back to the hotel room, set our alarm, and prepare ourselves for the next day.
Week 4: Deer
Week 4: Lake Yamanaka
Week 4: Temple