Global Learning
Global Learning
- An approach to higher education and a set of intellectual orientations.
- Incorporates the international/transnational, the intercultural, and the local.
- Combines systems thinking with comparative perspectives and multidisciplinary problem-solving.

Our Global & Intercultural Learning Goals
Global experiences are transformative. It is our goal that students who participate in global programs will be able to:
- Recognize and critically examine their own cultural influences.
- Analyze the connection between the global and the local, and understand how structures, forces, and phenomena shape culture and individual experience.
- Live, learn, and work effectively with people whose backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives are different from their own.
- Reflect and act with an understanding of the local and global impacts of their decision.

Campus Workshops and Learning Opportunities
The Global Experience Office supports faculty and co-curricular educators in designing programs that allow students to develop mindsets and practices to build their intercultural competence.
The Global Experience Office continually works to develop new programming to enhance the study abroad experience and global learning across NU’s global campuses.

GEO offers credit and non-credit online learning opportunities that can be taken during the Fall & Spring terms before, after, or during a global experience.
- Offered in Fall & Spring Semesters
- Register for the course through Banner
- Contact Molly McMahon, Associate Director of Academic Integration & Global Learning, for more information: [email protected]
- Offered Fall & Spring
- 10-week, Non-credit, self-paced, asynchronous online course
- Learn more & Sign Up
- Contact Molly McMahon, Associate Director of Academic Integration & Global Learning, for more information: [email protected]
- Offered Fall & Spring
- 10-week, Non-credit, self-paced, asynchronous online course
- Learn more & Sign Up
- Contact Molly McMahon, Associate Director of Academic Integration & Global Learning, for more information: [email protected]
Faculty & Staff
The Global Experience Office supports faculty and co-curricular educators in designing programs that allow students to develop mindsets and practices to build their intercultural competence.

Assessment Efforts
The Global Experience Office and Educational Innovation division participates in the Global Engagement survey with the Community-Based Global Learning Collaborative.
Recent Reports from the Global Engagement Survey include:
- Global Mobility & Assessment: GES Survey 2021-2022 (Pilot Year) and 2022-2023 Data Presentation (McAllister-Grande & McMahon 2023)
- NU Global Experience Office’s Global Engagement Survey Report: Pilot Year (2021-2022) & Preliminary 2022-2023 Comparison (McMahon 2023)
- Global Engagement Survey Data Project: 2022-2023 Presentation (Thompson & Siegal 2024)
- Global Engagement Survey Data Project: NAFSA 2024 Presentation (Dinani, Siegal & Thompson 2024)
To learn more or get involved in our research and assessment efforts, please contact Molly McMahon and the Academic Integration & Planning team at [email protected].