Apply for Fall Study Abroad by March 1st!

Reverse Culture Shock

You’ve returned to Northeastern from your global experience! What now?

Just as you adjusted to living in your host country, it will take some time to adjust back to life in the U.S. This cultural adjustment back to life at home is called re-entry.

You may be sad to be leaving your life abroad, excited to be coming home, or a mix of both. But now you have an opportunity to share your experiences with your peers at Northeastern! There are lots of opportunities to connect with other students who went abroad, get involved with GEO, and find your next opportunity to go abroad! This section contains information on how to transition smoothly to life back at home, and ways for you to continue your international experience on campus.

Manage Reverse Culture Shock

Reverse culture shock has a number of stages.

When you return home, you may be excited to see friends and family members, eat at your favorite restaurants, and return to your regular routine. Or you might find yourself feeling out of place in your own culture. This is reverse culture shock. Although it may take time, you will begin to gradually adjust to being back.

To help the transition, you can use the same coping skills that you used to adjust to life abroad. Get involved in your favorite activities on campus. Join support groups for other study abroad students returning home. Become active in GEO — maybe apply to become a Peer Advisor, or share your experience with other students at a GEO fair!

Excited to share your experiences with other students?