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Student Reflections

As Typical As It Gets

Caroline McCadden
August 15, 2017

Hey everyone! In this post I am going to try and lay out a typical day on my dialogue. Of course, the stereotypical response to this is that there is no typical day. I have to say that this is completely true! With all of the tours we go on and day trips we take it’s hard to really say how one given day will go, but I’ll try my hardest!

Generally we leave the hotel around 9 or 9:15. Some people run before this, but I personally will wake up about 15 minutes before we leave and just grab breakfast. At every hotel we have breakfast paid for which is super convenient. We then walk to wherever our lecture will be for the day (if we have one). Usually this is in the conference room of a hotel. We will do any combination of listening to a guest speaker, discussing readings, listening to presentations, and/or doing disputations.

A disputation is a debate between two people where one comes up with a thesis and the other tries to get them to say absurd things while avoiding contradicting their thesis. I was really afraid to do these at first but they’re actually a lot of fun. We usually end either around 2 or around 5. If we end at 2 a lot of us will go exploring for the rest of the day, but if it’s later we mostly just grab dinner. I then go back to do my homework and rest before we go out at night. A lot of us like to dance so we tend to find places where that’s possible.

Of course, some days we are touring or visiting another city, and on these days I will generally just go to sleep early. The sleep deprivation catches up to you really quickly here! A lot of people are starting to get sick so I’m hoping to prevent that from happening. 5 more days!

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