The German language is a strange combination of words that sound so strange I can barely process them, and words that sounds exactly like English words. Some sentences sound almost identical to how we’d say them, with perhaps a change in spelling or slight pronunciation switch. Some words have a scary amount of syllables and consonants.
I’ve taken German 1 here, and I live with some Austrian students nearby, but my sophistication with the language is limited at best. I’ve mastered “Ich bin Georgie” to introduce myself. I can say “Ich esse ein Apfel”, or I eat an apple. I’ve never actually used that in real life, because I’m allergic to apples, but the important this is that I could say it if I wanted to! I’m afraid my knowledge of the language doesn’t go terribly deep at this point, but I have been able to pick up conversational and useful phrases in my classes.
My favorite (and most used) German term is “Entschuldigung.” Not only does the word sound kind of cool, but it’s incredibly helpful in day-to-day life. It means excuse me, and I used it when I need to brush by people on the street or when I need their attention in a store. I also like to great people with “Guten Tag”, or good day, before asking if they “sprechen Englisch??” A woman from back home who once lived in Austria passed along the advice that it can be considered rude to start a conversation in English, and that it’s best to attempt a bit in German and then switch. I can’t say most (or really any) of my conversations are in German, but I do at least attempt to great people in their tongue.
The language barrier isn’t too bad, as many people here have at least some understanding of English. I think the funniest misunderstanding I’ve witnessed was when my friend tried to order a beverage from a server. The drink she wanted sometimes comes with whipped cream on top. She asked for no whipped cream and he told her that the drink wouldn’t be the drink without whipped cream. We don’t know what he thought she meant, but the drink definitely isn’t made with whipped cream mixed it; it’s just a garnish!
He wound up bringing her a drink without whipped cream on it, but then tried to take it away from her, explaining that they’d forgotten to not put the cream in. I still not really sure what happened there, but I think her beverage tasted fine, so it all had a happy ending!