Apply for Fall Study Abroad by March 1st!

Jesse Morrow

Greetings! I am a Civil Engineering student in my 3rd year at Northeastern University, and my particular interest is the sustainable design of buildings and infrastructure, which it turns out Scandinavia does pretty well! After just finishing a co-op in San Francisco, working with the Building Technology group at an engineering firm called Simpson Gumpertz & Heger, my hope is to learn about sustainability and energy efficiency from the perspective of European engineers and designers. I was attracted to the exchange program at Lund University for 2 primary reasons- it is a very large research institution with many scientists and engineers working to solve any number of challenges, and the university is home to a large number of international students who are either studying abroad or completing graduate studies. As I will be living in student housing with all international students, I believe that I will be introduced to many cultures and ideas. Outside of my studies, I am a lover of the outdoors and spend much of my time hiking, skiing, biking, and rock climbing and I hope to find such adventures in the beautiful Swedish countryside.