Apply for Fall Study Abroad by March 1st!

Arthur Patrick McDeed

My name is Arthur McDeed, (although I prefer to go by my middle name Patrick. I've been crazy enough devote the past three years, and now this fourth and final year, of undergrad work studying Mathematics. While I love math, my real passion is in education, which has led me to pursue a study abroad experience in Finland this fall. Finnish students consistently find themselves amongst the most high achieving in the world, often besting countries like the US, Britain, China, and Japan. But the Fins do things quite differently than their international counterparts, and have become a very interesting study for educators. So, this fall, I will be taking part in a semester long exchange, taking courses in education at the University of Helsinki. This is truly a unique and exciting learning opportunity for me as an aspiring educator. I can't wait to see what lies ahead for me this fall in the beautiful country of Finland!