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Student Reflections

Be Aware of Your Surroundings

Hannah Bogich
October 23, 2015

There is nothing overtly dangerous about being here in Peru, but there are definitely times when you need to be aware of your surroundings. All of the neighborhoods near the more popular areas are usually safe, but the farther away you get, the more rough the areas tend to be. There are general safety tips everyone needs to follow like wearing your backpack in front of you, or guarding your bag while you walk. I was actually robbed last week because my bag was strapped across my chest, but it was on my side instead of in front of me, so someone ripped it off and ran away. I was very sad at first, but it actually wasn’t that big of a deal because I could remotely wipe my phone and cancel my cards and have my dad send me money through Western Union bank. I am now much more careful with my bag.
The best travel tip I have picked up is to ask the locals where their favorite food is. Occasionally it will be fairly obvious or popular places, but I have found a few gems with their help. In Lima, I found this amazing French bakery right by our school because one of our teachers recommended it, and those chocolate croissants made my day. It was pretty small, and wouldn’t have occurred to me to go in, but I’m glad I did!