Apply for Summer traditional study abroad by February 1st, and for Fall Study Abroad by March 1st!

Being safe and aware of your surroundings while traveling is a must! One should always know where their personal items are and the environment they are in. Since being in Portugal I have witnessed a few robberies. Two of my friends were both robbed due to not paying close attention to their personal items. My advice for the ladies is to always carry your purse in front of you (or buy the updated version of a fanny pack, the belt bag……wayyy cuter!) As for men, I believe they are targeted less but that still doesn’t mean it can’t happen. One of my guy friends had his wallet stolen right out of his back pocket without him noticing! I suggest that you constantly check on your belongings, especially your cell phones! Most Americans tend to have apple products; and in countries other than America, iPhones are very valuable and cost a lot. Everyone and their grandma wants an iPhone, and some will go through all sorts of measures to capture one. I recommend never leaving your cell phone in your back pocket, also do not walk around with your cell phone in your hand or leave it on the table.


A good tip that was pointed out to me in the beginning of the semester is not to walk around at night, alone, talking on the phone. This makes you a clear target. I know in the States I am a victim of calling my mother at late hours of the night just so I would feel comfortable walking home alone. I never realized that I could put myself at more risk by doing this. All in all, just BE AWARE! Pay close attention to your belongings. Never leave your items unattended, but don’t trust everyone with looking after your items either.
