The last few months have flown by, and I honestly can’t believe this is my last blog post. I’ve grown so much over this semester, and I’m very grateful to have been given the opportunity to study abroad. I’ve gained a new sense of independence and confidence that I never could have imagined. Edinburgh has opened me up to a whole new world, new cultures, and new people. The people I met while abroad challenged me to think more critically and work harder for my goals. The university provided me with an amazing education and a chance to see civil engineering topics in a whole new light. The classes have solidified my goal of becoming a civil engineer.
If you had asked me a few years ago about studying abroad, I would have said absolutely not. I was terrified about being so far away from home and having to basically redo my freshman year of college. Now, I couldn’t imagine having missed this experience. The first few days were intimidating, I’ll admit. Trying to get my bearings in a new city and get adjusted to a new school year were more challenging than I thought they would be. But within days, the apprehensions vanished. Edinburgh has become my home away from home. I’m going to miss it so much, but I’m going to miss the people even more. They made this experience an unforgettable one. I’m a better person for having known them, even if it was just for a few months.
My advice to anyone thinking about studying abroad would be to do it! There’s no way you would regret it, and seeing the world as a college student is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Don’t let your fears hold you back!