Apply for Fall Study Abroad by March 1st!

Last year, I had the extraordinary experience of going to Peru for a dialogue. This was my first trip abroad alone. I had never thought that I would leave the country without my family. I come from a very close-knit family so just the thought of leaving them was difficult. I am a first generation American and also the first in my family to go to college. Growing up, I heard many stories on how my parents came to this country, not knowing the language, and having to fend for themselves. I have always wanted to know and understand their point of view but I knew that I needed to go to a place where English nor Spanish were spoken.

China and its people have always fascinated me. I went to high school were we had a high influx of Chinese students. The way they solved problems, the food they ate, and the foreign language they spoke to one another always intrigued me. I tried learning a little Mandarin but I always failed in retaining the words. While scrolling around the dialogue options, I decided to choose the one for China. I plan to go to this trip without preparation on purpose. I want to be able to fully embrace the culture and really make an effort to learn the language and ways of the people.

As of now, I hope to gain a new perspective, learn how to at least have an elementary conversation in Mandarin, and find a new love for food. With the help of my classmates and teacher assistants, I hope to attain all of these goals while also making lasting friendships. I, along with others in the group, have no experience in the Mandarin language. I know that my classmates will have patience with me and not give up on me when I mispronounce something. I am more than open to criticism. But one of my main fears is that, by mistake, I might say something that means something offensive. I would never offend anyone and just the thought that I might say something wrong terrifies me.

Besides that, I do really look forward to seeing a new place. I have seen the itinerary for the different places we will be going and I am really excited to learn the art of meditation, the tours, and of course souvenir shopping. So ready or not, China here I come!