Final Dialogue of Civilization Application deadline is 1/15!

Student Reflections

Difficult Adjustments

Madeleine O'Haire
January 6, 2016

Although I have lived in Spain before, it seems like I will never quite get used to the timing of things here. I often try to go shopping on Sundays or weekday afternoons, only to find every shop shut. Coming from a city where I can find almost anything at any time of day, any day of the week, this can take some getting used to. Although Granada is a fairly large city, most stores hold the tradition of closing for Siesta so employees can return home for the big family meal: lunch. I don’t usually mind this, in fact I think it’s actually really nice, except for when I am need to get something at 4 pm and it feels like a ghost town.

Also, because my life basically revolves around food, the eating schedule/routine has proved difficult for me to adjust to. Some things, like free tapas with every drink, are easier to get used to, while others, like eating dinner at 10 pm, are a bit harder.

Geraniums in the Albacin

I, like most study abroad students, spent the first few weeks feeling overwhelmed with excitement in my new city. My “honeymoon” stage of study abroad was full of new, different, and special things. The cultural differences were charming, and I felt enchanted by Granada. Of course, after this faded, I started getting frustrated and fed up with these differences. I just wanted to get a soy latte to-go, and do all my shopping at the same store. I missed driving, I missed my dog, I missed speaking my language. But after I got more comfortable speaking and settled in, made some friends and found “my” places, I started adjusting to my new city, and fell in love with it all over again. Now, I can’t believe how fast this semester passed. I feel so at home in Granada, and I only wish I could stay longer. I feel like I finally got good at Spanish, found my favorite cafes, restaurants, stores, parks, people etc, and now it’s time to go.

I find comfort in knowing I will return to Granada one day, hopefully in the near future. I cherish the memories of these past few months as I settle back into my Boston routine in the coming weeks.
