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Student Reflections

Don’t trust the walk signals!

John Zukowski
May 24, 2017

Sao Paulo is amazing so far! We are staying in Vila Madelena, described as the hipster neighborhood. Walls in this neighborhood are covered in graffiti. However, in Sao Paulo, the word graffiti is used to describe street art, not vandalism. So, there is art everywhere you turn. This neighborhood is filled with restaurants and interesting shops. Many artists live in this area. While the neighborhood I’m staying in is very interesting, it cannot capture the whole city of Sao Paulo. Sao Paulo is bigger than New York City. It is home to 12 million people of countless backgrounds. I can’t wait to explore this city more and learn about other areas.

Street art at a corner restaurant in Vila Madelena

Street art in Vila Madelena

Orientation occurred the first day in Sao Paulo. It consisted of general guidelines and a tour of our area of Vila Madelena. There were a few things that stood out to me in orientation. First, we learned some background on the neighborhood. Like I said earlier, Vila Madelena is known as the hipster neighborhood. It is home to many artists and it has gone through many rapid changes. Not long ago, it was one of Sao Paulo’s poorer neighborhoods. Now, new high-rises buildings are being built in every direction. In my opinion, these building disrupt the artistic vibe of the neighborhood, but they do show the area’s progress. Next, we were given a general guideline that has already saved my life numerous times: don’t trust the walk signals! Crossing Huntington made me think Boston drivers were crazy. Now, I think they are fairly tame. In Sao Paulo, all of the traffic rules just seem to be suggestions. Motorcycles ride between the almost nonexistent lanes and cars fly down extremely narrow streets. Pedestrians need to be extra careful for these reasons. Lastly, something unexpected about Brazil is the power outlets. Having never left the US, I assumed all power outlets were the same. Luckily, adapters were provided, so all of my electronics function properly. I am excited about the upcoming weeks in Sao Paulo and cannot wait to learn more about the city.