Apply for Summer traditional study abroad by February 1st, and for Fall Study Abroad by March 1st!

Transportation varies greatly from day to day in Ecuador. When we go to class at our normal school we walk there, since it is only 6 blocks away from the hotel. We walk most places in Quito, but if it is further than normal we can take a cab to get there. When the entire class is going somewhere far away, we take a bus. Since we left Quito for Mindo, we took the bus on a four and a half hour excursion through the mountains. The winding roads through Ecuador were beautiful, and showcased the changing vegetation based off of the elevation of the city we were in. We came across cows, horses and dogs on the road to Mindo, which all sluggishly moved out of the way for us.

We are very lucky to be able to walk around in Ecuador. The public buses are a hotspot for pickpockets, so we were strictly advised to only ride the bus, for the experience, if we had literally nothing on us or in our pockets. The cabs are usually trustworthy, as long as you get into a licensed, and marked cab. Unmarked cabs can be dangerous and should not be entered. All cabs should be used in groups, and not by yourself. While these precautions may be scary, they are all for our safety. The best way to hail a cab is to ask a hotel or restaurant to call one for you, and they will happily help. Most cab rides are very cheap, and cost less than $5. I personally love to walk, because it helps with getting acclimated to the elevation, and you get to see more of the city.

Airport view