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Student Reflections

End of Week 4: TYPICAL DAY

Naneka Bakare
July 2, 2015

A typical weekday for myself here in London would be a day at my internship at the British Parliament House of Commons. I wake up around 8:00 a.m. each morning and jump into the shower. Then I get dressed for work and make myself breakfast; I cook a lot at my student flat since its cheaper than buying food for every meal. Next, I grab my security Parliamentary pass for work and run out the door at about 9:30. I walk to work, swipe myself into the building, and get on an elevator to reach my office in Portcullis House, the Parliamentary administration building near the Palace of Westminster. I work in an MP’s office and I usually begin my internship tasks for the day at 10:00 am. I often do correspondence with constituents, emails, filing, writing, event scheduling, and research various policies. By 1:00 p.m. I head out for lunch and I usually purchase a bite to eat in one of the many cafés & restaurants available on the Parliamentary Estate. The food is very cheap for employees as all the items are subsidized by taxpayer funds. I leave work at exactly 5 p.m. and walk back to my flat, usually arriving by 5:20. I cook dinner with whatever groceries I have bought for that week at around 6 p.m. and then relax for the rest of the night. I go on social media and check my email. I sometimes watch T.V and call back home. Also, I often hang out with my flatmates and do a bit of exploring in the city if we have enough time that night. By 10:00 p.m. I have picked out my work outfit for the next day, and jumped into bed to go to sleep, ready to repeat it all again tomorrow.