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Student Reflections

End of Week 5: CULTURE SHOCK

Naneka Bakare
July 22, 2015

Naneka Bakare, Traditional Summer 1 Handsard Program

The most prominent cultural difference for me in London has been the centrist nature of British politics. As a parliamentary intern, I have come to notice that both the typical left and right wing parties in Parliament do not appear very extreme in their party platforms. Also, the British overall seem to be very moderate in political matters, preferring to produce positive outcomes rather than stick to party lines. Compared to American politics, this is monumental as the Democratic and Republican parties surely do not hesitate to remain as left and right as they can legitimately go. It was strange for me to experience and encounter several politicians who are centrists in the UK government.

As for culture shock, I went through a number of stages. At first, I actually was anxious and nervous about traveling to another country for a long period of time on my own but, by the end of the first week I had begun my “honeymoon” period. For the next couple weeks I was excited to continue my new adventure and see what this city had in stored. By the middle of my trip however I completely missed my family, friends, and home and could not wait to get back. This feeling subsided after about a week and finally I was well adjusted to the London life. Now that my study has come to a close, I know that I will be returning for the summers to come.