Final Dialogue of Civilization Application deadline is 1/15!

Student Reflections

This trip helped to define my academic and career goals

Katelyn Merry
August 21, 2015

Although my experience abroad was relatively short, it definitely still had an impact on me. Personally, I feel that I’ve grown more comfortable with trying new things, and have become more comfortable putting myself into situations where I don’t really know anyone. This trip also helped to define my academic and career goals. I was able to speak with a lot of professors and professionals who are working in the field I wish to go in-Urban Planning. I learned that I probably won’t be a traffic planner anytime soon but that traffic planning is an important facet of urban planning and I’m thankful to have learned the basics. I was exposed to a completely new field of study, civil engineering, and learned that a civil engineer’s work and an urban planner’s work often closely overlap and they work side-by-side. Because we almost exclusively worked in groups on our projects I was able to see how well this dynamic functions.

My biggest apprehension to studying abroad was missing out on being in Boston for the rest of my last summer. But I knew that this was also the last chance I would have to study abroad with Northeastern. I weighed my options and, as is usually the case, realized that a new challenge and experience is always a good decision. I’m completely happy with my choice, and know that this experience is irreplaceable, mainly due to the people that I shared it with. I believe the friends I made and the experiences we shared together were the biggest benefit of this dialogue. As I’m going into my 5th year at Northeastern I know that I’ve fallen into a comfort zone and am always surrounding myself with the same people. I am so happy to have had the chance to reach back out into the Northeastern community and meet new people.

Advice that I have for future participants is simple: Don’t hesitate! Go! This applies to the first decision to study abroad and the subsequent decisions you’ll make on your trip. Optional group trip to a cheese market? Go! Some people want to bike out to see windmills? Go! Thinking about going on a solo day trip to Brussels? GO!! The study abroad experience is solely what you make of it. Yes you’re going to be in unfamiliar locations, and probably be tired, and you may not even be able to find good peanut butter, but now is the perfect time to do some exploring, drink an espresso, and make the switch to Nutella.

For the last time, doei!