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Student Reflections

Final Observations

Victoria Mail
June 27, 2017

It is my first day in Sevilla and it has been full of mixed emotions, first impressions, and jet lag! My first impression of Sevilla is that it is gorgeous. The architecture of the buildings, the colors, the flowers everywhere, and the narrow streets are only a few of my favorite things here. I can confirm that it does get very hot after 11 a.m, but I was surprised to find it was a bearable heat, not humid and not scorching. On the taxi ride to my host family’s apartment I stared out the window at quaint hidden boutiques or heladerias (ice cream shops) tucked away in the stone buildings. My immediate instinct was to buy everything but I managed some restraint.
My program in particular focuses on the Spanish language and culture so I knew that I would be immersed right away but it still took me by surprise. The first day I felt like I was thrown into a pool only knowing the doggy paddle. I was trying to understand my host family while trying to formulate an articulate response and it just was not working. I live with another girl from my dialogue so I let her do most of the talking. But by the second day I felt more confident to seek out speaking opportunities and answer more by myself. My dialogue stands out in that it allows us to stay with a host family, which is a great way to really engage with local life and customs as well as the language. We also have a lot of independence outside of classes. Besides dinner with our host family we have a ton of free time to explore the city or get gelato or tapas. It’s so great to be able to see what you want and not just the set tours and activities.