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Katelyn Merry. Netherlands Summer 2 DOC, Sustainable Urban Transport Week 2

I didn’t know too much about Dutch food before coming here, but I can say now that I am definitely a fan (of most things). Some of my recently discovered favorites include fries with mayo, mini pancakes, and stroopwaffles. Another staple that I’m not too fond of (but tried!) is brined herring. Herring is a type of small fish and the Dutch brine it while raw and then eat it straight up with onions. A lot of other people on my trip really enjoyed it and compared it to a type of sushi but I much rather prefer the fries (served with frietsaus and pindasaus of course).

Meal times and structure are not quite the same as in the US. We all have access to grocery stores and are in control of where and what we eat for most meals. I’ve definitely had a few PB&J’s while I’ve been here but have also enjoyed a nice lunch at the cafeteria on campus. They have a different set up then the dining halls at Northeastern. Everything is a la carte and they provide a bunch of options in different price ranges-but everything is pretty reasonable. One of the most interesting Dutch delicacies that I have yet to try is Hagelslag, a chocolate sprinkle that people eat on top of bread with butter for breakfast (every 7-year-old’s dream).

Until next time, doei!