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The German cheesesteak, along with my roommate's veggie cheesesteak and some amazing fries

If there’s one thing that I know for sure, it’s that the food here in Germany is fantastic! It did, however, take some getting used to. For breakfast, many Germans have a very meat-heavy diet, even at breakfast. A traditional breakfast food here is white sausage, which looks just like it sounds (super gross). It’s actually not that bad though, despite having an unnervingly smooth texture.
Another popular food here is a type of potato dumpling. It’s basically mashed potatoes, but in a solid ball. One of my classmates juggled 3 of them on one of our first nights here! Also, instead of giving you bread before your meal, pretzels are the customary snack. I can’t count the number of pretzels I’ve had in the past few weeks, they’re so good!
A popular lunch food is called a doner, and it is basically a wrap with salad and a form of meat. They are very inexpensive and easily accessible. Something that I wish there was more of here is fruit and vegetables. Breads and meats all of the time get a bit boring when you’re used to eating fruit regularly. Some of my classmates and I found ourselves going to fruit stands to satisfy the craving.
My favorite food here is a type of cereal called müsli. It is several types of grain cereal mixed with dried fruits and chocolate. I’m highly considering smuggling an entire suitcase full on my way back to Boston!