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Student Reflections

Goodbye London

Scott Louis
October 23, 2015

My program session is coming to a close in London, and soon we will be moving onto Dublin. I have experienced a variety of unique sites, moments, and created friendships that I am beyond grateful for. We stayed in a dormitory called “The Stay Club” which provides housing for students studying abroad. The room itself has an acceptable amount of space, but this week I have discovered many downfalls of it. To start, there is a lingering odor almost every time you enter the building. Also, the rooms are hot all the time because there is only window ventilation once you get past the lobby. And lastly, there is mold growing in the showers and you can smell it immediately as you open the door to the room. I really like our Residence Life Assistant and am glad to have met him, but “The Stay Club” as a whole has been disappointing. I’m hoping the dorms at UCD are much better.

As far as the group as a whole goes, we have melded together so well and very quickly. No one is left out of the activities and everyone is beyond eager for all the events and trips we take. I am the only other guy on the trip aside from my roommate, so him and I especially have had no trouble bonding. It feels like a small little family already. I’m only hoping that that doesn’t mean there will be any drama or conflicts. I’m so excited for these last few days in London, and will be soaking it all up.