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Student Reflections

Granada Landmarks and Fieldtrips

Madeleine O'Haire
November 2, 2015

There are so many lovely spots in Granada, and I seem to stumble upon new places everyday. From cozy cafes to plazas with beautiful views of the mountains and more, there is always somewhere to go.

My favorite landmark so far in Granada is San Miguel Alto, which is an old church at the very top of Sacromonte, a neighborhood up in the hills in Granada. It was quite the hike to get to, but was so worth it when we made it to the top. From San Miguel, you can see a panoramic view of all of Granada. It is perfect to sit and sketch or bring a snacks or drinks up to with friends. It is far less crowded that the lower view points in Granada, and can be nice when you feel like you need to get away from the city or have some time alone with your thoughts.

San Miguel Alto

My classes have not had many field trips so far this semester, but my Spanish Culture teacher invited us to a Flamenco show during the week that we were studying Flamenco. It was at our school in the evening, and was really interesting because not only was it a beautiful presentation of dance and music, but the guitarist also spoke about the different guitar patterns and how he plays and improvises along with the singer and dancer. I have seen Flamenco shows before, but having this extra educational element made it special and I feel like I have a new respect for it now that I understand more about it.
