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For the majority of this Dialogue, we Northeastern students will be staying in the local studentati, or student dorm rooms. I’m sharing one room with the two other guys in the group, meaning the room is a little cramped. In fact, I have reason to believe the room is only meant for one person living in it at a time. Fortunately, I’m never in the room for more than a minute unless I’m sleeping, so issues like living space, flooding bathrooms, broken locks, and lack of wi-fi don’t really affect me. I like the situation we have, and I’m glad something like it was available to us.

It has been incredibly easy to make friends with the other students on the dialogue, as we spend nearly every moment of every day together. While obviously some of us get along better with some than others, for the most part we have all become friends in one way or another. The difficult task has been making friends outside of the dialogue group, as none of us are particularly confident enough to hold full conversations yet, despite some of us trying very hard. We expect that soon this will no longer be a concern, and I’m sure I’ll have more to write about when that day comes.