While studying abroad at Bond University this semester, I am lucky enough to be placed in on campus housing (due to the huge number of incoming students from both exchange programs and native Australian’s on campus housing was very limited). I am also lucky enough to be able to room with a friend of mine who I had travelled over here with, saving me from having a potentially nightmarish room mate (the horror stories are real)! While here, I’m living in a shared standard dorm room with an ensuite bathroom. The dorms here are relatively similar to those in America, however there are some wonderful perks that I’ve found here. Namely, here at Bond if you live on campus there is a cleaning crew that comes once a week to change your bed linens, clean your bathroom, and empty your trash cans for you. Additionally, the laundry for those students located on campus is completely free which means I’ve been doing it a lot more often than twice a month and not letting it pile up in my room (crazy, I know). Also, due to the drinking age over here only being 18, alcohol rules in the dorms are incredibly lax. There’s only one rule about the size of the bottles your alcohol is consumed in, and that’s only due to potential glass breaking issues. All in all, the on campus life here has me pretty spoiled, and has only contributed to my love for this exchange opportunity.
In terms of meeting other students here at the university, it has not been too difficult .The orientation activities offered to the students really allowed for bonding between all of the international students, and the native Australian students as well. Additionally, there are trips and events happening all of the time that make it easy to get out and meet people. In terms of meeting people in my classes, the class sizes here are relatively small (no more than 40 or so students per class), making it easier to meet fellow students, and making me much more comfortable about speaking up in class. Also, the fact that over half of the new students at Bond University are international or on exchange makes for easy topics of conversation about where people are from and why they’ve chosen to come and study at this school. The majority of people here are very outgoing and eager to meet new people, which has been incredibly nice. Overall, the atmosphere here at Bond has been very welcoming, and I look forward to seeing what else is in store!