Apply for Fall Study Abroad by March 1st!

Student Reflections

In the Beginning…

Sydnee Mizuno
October 11, 2016

I’ve always loved traveling and exploring new places. It’s thrilling to wake up in a foreign place surrounded by a unique culture that you’re unaccustomed to. Before graduation, I wanted to have the time to travel without missing my studies, so studying abroad was a perfect opportunity to do both. I expect to have a wider view of the world after this experience, and I hope to have a better understanding of myself.

Danish Contrast

I aim to balance my classwork with traveling, and I am excited to meet a diverse group of people along the way. Even away from Northeastern, I know that I will continue to budget my time well and take my classes seriously. However, this does not mean that I will forget to make new friends and explore Europe in my free time. I’m honestly not very nervous about this transition to a new school. Because I left California on my own to start school at Northeastern, I have already been through the experience of navigating a new city and culture alone. I’ve been able to make new friends and have a balanced life at Northeastern, and I expect that I can achieve this in Denmark too. I’m most looking forward to a change of scenery. While I love Boston and my college experience so far, I want to challenge myself to adapt to something new.
