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Student Reflections

Language Barriers

Rae Akinsanya
June 17, 2016

Since I’m in a country where they also speak English, adjusting to the local tongue hasn’t been that hard. However, there are a few things that I get tripped up on.

The first thing that has gotten lost in translation is the difference between coffee and Americanos. On multiple occasions now I have attempted to get coffee and have received an Americano instead. This may not seem like a big deal, and it isn’t (I love Americanos), but I founded it interesting that here at many places coffee and Americanos are synonymous.

Another thing that was interesting was the us of the phrase “You alright” as a way to say “How are you?”. To us it seems almost like everyone here is very concerned for you ‘re well being, but they’re really just wondering how you’re doing. Multiple times I’ve responded with “Yes I’m fine” or “Yes I’m ok” instead of “I’m good, how are you” which has resulted in many weird looks and confused faces.
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