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Student Reflections

Learning Italian the Hard Way

Crystal Oseagulu
June 1, 2015

Being in a country where you don’t know the language has definitely been a challenge. Most people don’t know much English at all and communicating to even order food can be challenging.

My funniest stories with miscommunication were with ordering food. I ordered a pepperoni pizza and expected it to be as it is in the states. When it arrived it turned out to be pizza with grilled red peppers on top and that to get pepperoni as we know it is instead called “salame picante”. Another funny moment was when I ordered the buffalo burger, which had buffalo sauce with other vegetables in it, after being told by the waiter it is the most popular item. It turns out the burger was made of buffalo meat. Either way, it was delicious or one of the best burgers I have had!

My favorite phrase is “Prego.” I still to this day am a bit confused what it is exactly means but it is quick and easy to say. When I say thank you people say prego- when I am next in line to buy something the cashier says prego, and when I say excuse me, someone will reply prego. Maybe not the most exciting, but still fun to say!